Acupuncture vs. Massage: Who Wins? Two of the most famous treatments for pain in the modern era have been acupuncture and massage. These ancient, but updated treatments have an important place in history and a bright future, as well. However,...
5 Acupressure Points to Relieve Lower Back Pain The Reality of Back Pain Pain in the lower back, known medically as ‘lumbago’, is particularly common. One-half of all working Americans admit to having back pain symptoms each year, and, as a result,...
Which Massage is good for back pain? Why do You Have Back Pain? Although more than half of the adult population experiences back pain at some point or the other in their lives, the reason for getting the pain and the intensity of the back...
Upper Back Pain from Sitting | Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Long days at work can result in different possible body aches and probably one of the most common types that almost all office workers complain is the upper back pain from sitting down for long hours. This is...
Lower Back Pain from Sitting | Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention Lower back pain from sitting is a common issue experienced by thousands to millions of people these days. Despite that, every low back pain sufferer deserves relief and comfort. To learn how to treat...