How To Do Your Own Reflexology Foot Massage at Home What is reflexology? Reflexology has been used as a form of therapy for hundreds, even thousands of years. It is typically a form of massage done on your feet that aims to have an effect on other parts...
Acupuncture vs. Massage: Who Wins? Two of the most famous treatments for pain in the modern era have been acupuncture and massage. These ancient, but updated treatments have an important place in history and a bright future, as well. However,...
Does foot massage help plantar fasciitis? What is plantar fasciitis? The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons treats nearly 2 million people every year for plantar fasciitis. This is a common yet painful condition that occurs when the band of...
Foot Pain Relief | Useful Tips for Painful Feet Are you in need of foot pain relief? We completely understand you. An unfortunate constant companion to many people, foot pain is a bother in more ways than one. If you work in retail or another job that has...
Foot Bath Benefits | Step-by-step Guide to Relaxation & Detox At Home A foot bath or soaking your feet in lukewarm or warm water calms the body and relieves stress. It has been practiced worldwide for centuries, and modern people want to gain foot bath benefits because of a busy...